Something sweet for ya!

Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial
Happy Pill Cookies
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Like Button Cookie

Pajamas and Popcorn Cookies

I have good news, and I have bad news. Let’s start with the bad news, because I like to end on a positive note. So first off, I don’t have a tutorial for you today. I know…BOO what kind of blogger are you! Where’s the info, the meat, the potatoes, and why on earth am I sharing photos with no tutorial?! But wait…don’t click off just yet!

Pajama Night Cookiespajama night at our moms group at church. It was hilarious. And awesome. And I’m super sad you weren’t there. But that’s beside the point…so knowing this event was coming up I just knew I had to make pajama and popcorn themed cookies. This is normal right, your brain went there too? Good. And it just so happened that my sweet friend Callye at The Adventures Of Sweet Sugarbelle had shown me some pajama pants cookies weeks ago that I couldn’t get out of my brain. (sorry she didn’t blog them, but just trust me on this – they were CUTE) So they inspired me to make these.

But inspiration unfortunately doesn’t always occur when the pantry is fully stocked. So this baker had to wait for her cookie consuming night and shining armor to bring meringue powder on his way home from a long day of saving the planet, ok maybe town, ok maybe he was just saving me and my cookies. And unfortunately that long day lasted till after 8pm. Which meant these cookies, like so many before…were decorated between the hours of 9PM and 4AM…the night before the event. And unless you live in blogger utopia, that’s not exactly in the time period of “natural light” to shoot a tutorial. So I wasn’t planning on sharing them, but once they were done…I just had to take pictures! And once I took pictures I just had to share!

Pajama & Popcorn Cookie

But don’t worry, the good news is these are super simple to create. Pretty much everything on these cookies (much like my norm) were made using super simple “cookie 101” techniques. Filling, lines, polka dots – I’ve covered it all lots before! To create the pajama pants cookies and the popcorn bowls I merged two cutters together. For the pajama pants I used a simple rectangle and the bottom of Wilton’s margarita glass cutter. For the popcorn bowl I used a circle cutter and a similar sized scalloped circle. To “merge” the two cutters simply cut out both shapes (for the margarita glass you’ll only need the bottom) then trim the cookie to what you will be using. Then place the two pieces together and bake! While I only used the bottom of the margarita glass for the “feet” I used exactly half of each circle for the popcorn. The cookies were decorated using simple techniques which you can find here, and here, and here. I did use one new technique…I was a little stumped on the popcorn and dun dun dun! Callye came to the rescue again! You can find her popcorn tutorial that I used in these cookies here. The fluffy white slippers were also made the same way, layering royal icing dots, letting them dry in between each addition to they wouldn’t “melt” together.

The gel colors used in these cookies are:
AmeriColor Fushcia
AmeriColor Navy
AmeriColor Teal
Wilton Purple
Wilton Lemon Yellow

You can find my sugar cookie recipe here. And all about making and using my royal icing here, and here.

Pajama Night Cookies

Lately I have really been enjoying cookie decorating (and the drama that goes with it!). I’m not sure if it’s the cookie loving company I keep or that as I slowly get better the more fun it gets. But seriously guys I am lovin it. And I’ve got the itch to make more cookies! How about you…have you tried royal iced cookies yet!

If not, you need to! Here’s a few more cookies to get you inspired!

Butterfly Cookies

Emoji Cookies

A+ Teacher Apple Cookies

Tooth Fairy Cookies

Sweet Pea Cookies



  1. So cute! I hope all the ladies enjoyed their special treats.