You know what is totally out of my league? Boy stuff. Yep, super heroes…monsters…trucks…dirt…and dinosaurs. All boy stuff, all out of my league. Recently this has become more and more obvious as my girls grow older. While I do have two brothers growing up one was ten years older then me and one was ten years younger then me so I really wasn’t ever aware of the “boy stuff” they were into. Now, I have three girls…who are the biggest girly girls you will ever meet. As a matter of fact…I overheard one of the twins talking about a certain toy the other day…”They make ugly ones for boys you know, boys like ugly stuff” she said to her twin.
But sometimes girly stuff gets super old. No matter how hard Disney tries there’s only so many shades of hair those princesses can have! And really…do you even want to know how many sizes of princess shoes I’ve bought? My children shop by their designated “princess color”. Nope those are purple mom, like Rapunzel..their for M not me. But it’s a trash can?? Seriously. Princess is a way of life around here. We recently took them to see The Avengers to you know, broader their horizons. Only to find all three sleeping and one even SNORING mid-way through. Ah, girls.
So with that being said…MBC is majorly lacking in the “boy area”. I just don’t often have reasons to create boy stuff and when I do…it’s clearly out of my league. So when I was recently sent a copy of Cookie Craft to review, I was excited to flip through the pages and enjoy some non-girly designs! And one of the first sets that caught my eye were the puppy dog set with bones and a little dog house, so cute! So I set out to make some puppy dog cookies…but wouldn’t you know…there were no puppy dog cutters in my collection. (shocker) But I did find dinosaurs and thought hey…wouldn’t dinosaurs be fun for a change?! Even if I could only name one dinosaur…
Cookie Craft is a true classic when it comes to cookie decorating. I spent some time reading through the book and my favorite part was all of the extra tips they included. Like for example..using net food tents to cover your cookies while you’re working on them. This protects them from things like flies, lint, animal hair, and so on. Why didn’t I think of that! Brilliant! If you’re a beginner cookie decorator you’ll want to check out this book. It’s a great place to get started! If you’d like to grab a copy you can do so here.
Once I got to work on my dino cookies it occurred to me these would be fun cookies to give to daddy for Father’s day. Because clearly…Dad’s are RAWR-some! I know, I know it’s almost too cute to be true! And that of course needed a matching printable, which you can download below! But back to the dinos..they were kind complicated with their huge bodies and tiny heads. So I decided to take a fun route and make these guys just a little bit silly. And if lopsided eyes don’t say silly nothing does!
These dinos were super simple to make starting with a few dino cutters found in Wilton’s 101 cookie cutter collection, a few Wilton Leaf cutters, and two small bone cutters. You can dig around in your collection and find what works for you of course!
You will need:
Dino Cookies
Bone Cookies
Leaf Cookies
1 Piping + 1 Flooding Royal Icing for Each Color You Would Like To Use
Decorating Bottles
Several #2 Tips
Piping Bags
If you’d like to make the same colors here is what I used:
Light and Dark Green – AmeriColor Electric Green
Light and Dark Orange – Wilton Orange
Neon Yellow (with a green hue)- Wilton Lemon Yellow + a tiny amount of Americolor Electric Green
Brown – Wilton Brown
TIP: you can use your left over piping frostings to make brown very last. Just mix the extras together and add brown. Then pipe eyes.
If you’re totally new to decorating cookies with royal icing you can find information on Royal Icing here, and more information on decorating here.

1. Bake cookies. (cookie recipe here)
2. Outline dino cookie with piping frosting.

3. Flood dino cookie with flooding icing.
4. Immediately pipe dots into the dino icing with a different color flood icing.

4. Once icing has crusted over, pip details. Don’t forget those wonky eyes!
5. Repeat with more dinos! Leafs and bones are simply outline, fill, and then details on top!
So what do you think? Pretty RAWR-some?!
You can download the FREE printable tag or a large version to make into a card below.
For personal (non-commercial) use only.