Something sweet for ya!

Like Button Cookie
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial
Happy Pill Cookies

Merry & Bright Christmas Bulb Cookies

Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies

2014 is coming to a close, and if I were to sum up our year in two words it would be “Chaos & Crazy”. Not that it’s been a bad year, it has been a great year but so much going on in every which way, hardly a moment to stop. This year we’re closing out the year with a bang as I wrap up the final edits of the book (eeekkkkkkkkk) and we fight our traditional Christmas flu. Yep, it’s one of our crazy traditions wether we like it or not. Each year the flu bug seems to hit our house the week of Christmas. Which is why I’m posting these Christmas cookies on the eve of Christmas Eve (oh man, it’s really that time already?). I meant to post this last week, but “Chaos & Crazy” hit…and we’re just now recovering in time to celebrate the holidays! So if you’re just now decorating your Christmas cookies I have an easy speedy tutorial for you, complete with a tag! If not…consider me early for next year, mmmk?

Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies

I baked the cookies using my normal method and recipe which you can find here, using a Wilton cookie bulb cookie cutter.
For more information on royal icing and decorating with royal icing check out these posts here and here.

You are going to need:
Light Bulb Sugar Cookies
Yellow Royal Icing (piping consistency)
Bright Colored Royal Icings (15 second consistency)
Sanding Sugars To Coordinate With Icings

Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies

Step 1: Using the yellow piping icing simple make a zig zag to create the metal part of the bulb. Allow to dry for an hour.

Step 2: Using colored 15 second royal icing outline cookie bulb.

Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies

Step 3: Immediately fill in cookie bulb with 15 second icing. Use a toothpick to gently close in any hole.

Step 4: Cover royal icing in sanding sugar and let set about 15-20 minutes then shake the excess off. Use a food safe paint brush to remove any extra sanding sugar if needed. Let cookies dry 3-4 hours before stacking.

Merry & Bright Bulb Cookies

We baked up over 200 of these cookies and gave them out to teachers, friends, and so on. I wanted something special to go with so I made up these printable tags to say Merry Christmas! You can download them below, the tags will have a blank spot after “from” for you to fill in!

For personal (non-commercial) use only.


I truly hope all our you have a MERRY & BRIGHT Christmas! I am SO excited to get back into the blogging swing and see what all 2015 has in store!



  1. Merry Christmas Toni. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday together. I can imagine how much everyone loved receiving your cookies.

  2. LOVE these! I so wanted to make light bulb cookies this year, and couldn’t find my cutter. Found one 70% off at Michaels yesterday, so these are on the to do list for next year! :) Hope you had a great Christmas, Toni.