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S’mores Cake Pops


If you have been following MBC for awhile you might remember the S’mores cake pops I posted about in the past. Unfortunately, they were one of the old posts that hadn’t made it to the new site yet. However, they were simply way too yummy to be left behind forever…so today I’m bringing them back and even better! My original S’mores pops were a graham cracker cake stuffed with marshmallow filling and coated in milk chocolate. They were a huge hit around here, no need to mess with a good thing…

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….until I found these Limited Edition Marshmallow Candy Melts by Wilton. Marshmallow flavored chocolate?! – no need for arm twisting here. I had to bring them home and wrap some right around a few graham cracker cake pops…I’m pretty sure they were meant to exist together and who am I to keep them apart. ;)


Here’s what your going to need:
(printable recipe below)
Makes approx. 36 cake pops.

1 1/2 Cup Finely Crushed Graham Crackers (approx. 1 sleeve)
1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour
1 1/2 TSP Baking Powder
1 TSP Salt
1 Stick Unsalted Butter (room temp)
3/4 Cup Sugar
2 Eggs
1 TSP Vanilla Extract
3/4 Cup Milk
1/2 Cup Brown Sugar

Wilton Marshmallow Candy Melts
Milk Chocolate Melting Chocolate
Cake Pop Sticks
Cake Pop Maker OR Pan
Lollipop Sticks
Wax Paper Lined Baking Sheet
Cake Pop Stand OR Block Of Styrofoam

Turn on cake pop maker to allow time to “heat up”. If using a cake pop pan, preheat oven to 350degrees.


Step 1: Crush graham cracker into fine crumbs in a food processor or using a ziplock and a rolling pin.


Step 2: In a medium bowl mix together finely crushed graham cracker, flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.

Step 3: In a separate mixing bowl, beat together butter and white sugar until fluffy.

Step 4: Next add eggs, brown sugar, and vanilla extract. Mix until fully combined. Slowly add in flour mixture and milk.



Step 5: Lightly grease your cake pop cavities then spoon batter into a large ziplock and seal. Cut 1/4 in off a corner of the ziplock and pipe into the cake pop cavities. I fill mine just slightly below the line, this can be tricky because if you overfill them it will ooze out, if you under fill them they will not rise up into a circle. try one or two out first to see where the perfect fill line is for you!

Please Note! This is not a recipe formulated by Babycakes and due to the nature of the recipe it does not always bake to a perfectly round cake pop on the top. However the bottom will always be perfectly smooth. I simply used the bottom as my “front”, and by the time I covered them in chocolate they were good to go anyway. :)


Step 6: Allow to bake for 6 minutes, remove from cake pop maker to cool. Continue filling and baking cake pops until all the batter has been used.

Step 7: Melt a few candy melts in a small bowl. If you are using a chocolate melter like I do, go ahead and melt it all then place it on “warm”. Learn more about melting chocolate and my method here.


Step 8: Dip about 1/4in of the lollipop tip into the chocolate then push about half way through the cake pop and gently lay on wax paper lined baking sheet. Once all cake pops have sticks transfer them to the freezer for a few minutes to allow the chocolate to quickly harden and “glue” the cake pop to the stick.



Step 9: Pull cake pops from freezer and let set on the counter for a few moments. While waiting melt the rest of your marshmallow chocolate. Unless your using a chocolate melter and it’s already waiting for you. (P.S. I HIGHLY recommend getting one!)


Step 10: Spoon the marshmallow chocolate over your cake pop and gently tap and turn on the side of bowl until all excess had dripped off. Move to a cake pop stand or block of Styrofoam. Let dry. My Cakes pop stand comes from here.


Step 11: Melt a small amount of milk chocolate in a bowl OR in your chocolate melter. Pour half of the milk chocolate into a pipping bag with a small round tip.


Step 12: Gently dip the top of the cake pop in the milk chocolate and let excess drip off. Then quickly use the piping bag to draw a “zig-zag” around the milk chocolate to create the dripping effect. Work quickly, the longer you take the more your chocolate will firm!



A simple and sweet (mess free) twist on the all time classic graham cracker/marshmallow/chocolate combo.

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Now we just have to convince the fabulous Wilton to keep this product around. Can’t you just imagine all the marshmallowy possibilities? Hurry on over and stock up, because just when they run out…you’re going to be wanting s’more!


Graham Cracker Cake Pop


  • 1 1/2 Cup Finely Crushed Graham Crackers (approx. 1 sleeve)
  • 1/2 Cup All Purpose Flour
  • 1 1/2 TSP Baking Powder
  • 1 TSP Salt
  • 1 Stick Unsalted Butter (room temp)
  • 3/4 Cup Sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 TSP Vanilla Extract
  • 3/4 Cup Milk
  • 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
  • Cake Pop Maker OR Pan


  1. If using cake pop maker plug in to begin heating up.
  2. Crush graham cracker into fine crumbs in a food processor or using a ziplock and a rolling pin.
  3. In a medium bowl mix together finely crushed graham cracker, flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside.
  4. In a separate large mixing bowl, beat together butter and white sugar until fluffy.
  5. Next add eggs, brown sugar, and vanilla extract. Mix until fully combined. Slowly add in flour mixture and milk.
  6. Spoon batter into a large ziplock, push air out, and seal. Cut about 1/4 in off a corner of the ziplock and pipe into the cake pop cavities.
  7. Allow to bake for 6 minutes, remove from cake pop maker to cool. Continue filling and baking cake pops until all the batter has been used.



  1. Maria in NJ says:

    they need faces…

  2. How delightful! Yummy and delightful!

  3. My thought exactly about the faces! You could dot on some cute features, and add little hats or hair ribbons, etc.

  4. How perfect are these marshmallow candy melts? I made hot chocolate cake pops, but s’mores are such a cute idea!

  5. Rachel Witte says:

    Hi, I found your recipe from Pinterest and it looks great! But you mentioned using a cake pop pan instead of the baby cakes, but never mentioned how long to bake them for, do you know how long to bake them for?

    • I’m sorry I do not know how long to bake them for in the pan :(. That’s a great question. I do not use those types of pan so I don’t have experience with time fluctuation. I would assume that it wouldn’t be much different thought. Maybe try filling just one first and see how long it takes?

  6. I always love your recipes!

  7. These are so cute! Might make these for a birthday treat next week.

    By the way, I really love the design of your website. It’s just so perfectly happy!