Something sweet for ya!

Happy Pill Cookies
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Like Button Cookie
Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial

Valentine’s Day With Krusteaz!

I have come to the conclusion Valentine’s day just might be my favorite Holiday now…or at least tied with Christmas. First, let’s be honest…the excuse to make all things pink and cute, I’m in. But really I just love how there is so much fun to be had without the stress and responsibilities that come with other holidays like gift wrapping, basket stuffing, feast cooking…you know the drill. But with Valentine’s day it’s all fun and games. Sweet treats to make, Valentines to hand out if you’d like, and just taking the time to tell your Valentine(s) just how much you love them! Remember how much fun walking around and handing out a small Valentine to each classmate was? And then taking them all home and sorting them? Such sweet memories.

So I have to admit, I’m a little sad because I’m traveling over Valentine’s week this year. As I type this I’m headed from the desert to the snow covered north. While I was blessed enough with the chance to bring one of my little Valentines with, I still wish I could be home flipping pink heart shape pancakes for all 4 of my Valentines. Daddy has promised to take over that task for me sprinkles and all! I even left a package of Krusteaz Heart Healthy Pancakes sitting on the counter so he wouldn’t forget! Since February happens to be Heart Health Month…it’s pretty much a must make! You guys know how crazy my kiddos are for pancakes…

Thankfully I already got a little Valentine’s fun in this month with Box of Chocolate Cookies, Valentine’s Emoji Cookies, Chocolate Amaretto Cupcakes, and of course these Strawberry Malt Cupcakes! Still I’m wishing I was whipping up more heart shaped treats for my Valentines. I wanted to share a few perfect recipes from Krusteaz incase you too can’t get enough heart shaped treats!


These Valentines short bread cookies are perfect to get the kiddos involved! I love making these types of cookies so the kiddos can get their pink frosting on.


Chocolate Valentine’s Waffles…seriously, I need some of these in my life. I think I’ll whip up some of these post Valentine’s day to make up for what I, I mean they, missed out on.


I just had to share these cookie sandwiches as well…because they remind me of the all the fun I had making Valentine’s cookie sandwiches at the Krusteaz HQ this past fall! We cut out hearts from the centers and rolled them in sprinkles!

You can also fine more of their fun Valentine’s recipes here!

What about you guys…what are you dreaming up this Valentine’s day?
