Every once in a while I get the chance to share a little bit of our Sweet Life with you guys! Today I thought I would take the time to share a big milestone we just hit, our oldest kiddo’s first day in Kindergarten! Yes, Kindergarten already…it seems like I was just writing this post last week. Time sure does fly when you’re baking cupcakes…

If you remember last years PreK post I shared that I planned on doing these little mini shoots each year with my girls to remember that time with them, and create a special book for them at graduation. I wanted to share with you guys this years pictures as well! For those that have asked, these can be created easily in just about any editing program or app that allows you to place text over a picture. I use adobe photoshop.
I know one day we will love flipping through these and remembering how she has changed bit by bit. But today’s post isn’t totally food free! I thought I share the mermaid themed lunch I made for her first day as well. If you can’t tell by the pictures she’s slightly mermaid crazy (bye bye cute little cupcake backpack mommy picked) So I thought I would make her first day extra special with a fun lunch. I used what I had in the house already and she came home with raving reviews the next day: mission accomplished!
First I cut her sandwich into a castle and sea shell (well I tried anyway) using cookie cutters.
For her sides I cut up melon into “starfish” and added a tiny dinglehopper (aka fork). The “fish pasta” came from the night before when I made the girls the new gold fish mac and cheese. Before adding the cheese I grabbed a spoonful of fish pasta and added some cheese, italian, and tomatoes to make a little pasta! This is a great trick and next time we make another character mac and cheese I’m going to do the same thing for sure. Such an easy way to add a little fun to her lunch!
For dessert I sent her little candy pearls, mermaid fruit snacks, and one of these babies wrapped up in a cute paper treat bag. (Hey a girl only starts Kindergarten once!) And a cute little napkin to match of course, cause a girls gotta keep clean!
I actually have hundreds of those sweet little paper treat bags from Sweets & Treats Boutique. Since I finished shooting them for product shots I was trying to think of a way to use them up! They are my new fav I’ve been putting crackers, cookies, sandwiches, and all kinds of things in them ever since!
I had a lot of fun making her a creative little lunch, playing with food comes naturally with me! Ha. So I’d like to know…would you guys like to see more lunchtime ideas every so often?! Let me know below!

Her first day at school went swimmingly. I hardly could snap a picture before that shiny little backpack disappeared on the big yellow bus. She met new friends, had a great lunch, and learned a few new things. Oh….and I might have accomplished 5 times what I normally do without the big sister poking the littles each day! Wahoo!