Happy Monday! Why is it so happy you ask…well today I’m sharing a blog post that just can’t help but make me smile! Those of you with me on Instagram might have seen my sneak peaks, but for those of you who missed it, this weekend I hosted a cookie decorating class/party/event and it was SO. MUCH. FUN. Cookies, sprinkles, party setup, icing, bright colors, aprons, lunch, laughter and amazing friends. Clearly there was fun to be had!
Sounds totally like my thing right? But the truth is, I’ve been asked to host baking/decorating events a lot, and I’ve always politely declined. It’s not that I don’t want to hang out with awesome people and share tips and tricks (that’s the whole point of this site!) It’s the thought of getting up infront and having to actually speak, not type. Kinda makes me sick just thinking about it. What will I do with my hands? Will they be bored? Am I going to forget everything? Slightly terrifying!
This time, was a little different though. Since moving to Texas I’ve been asked several times to host a cookie decorating event for the office spouses. I figured maybe it was time to conquer my fear, after all it would only be a handful of people I already know and love. Piece of cake errr cookie right? Soon after I had the perfect opportunity to pair up with the sweet people of PartyPail.com to create this event. I was able to browse their incredible online selection of party products and pick out exactly what we needed. I wanted the party to be bright and fun and they had plenty of that! And guess what, one lucky reader will have the chance to pick out their own supplies…more details at the end of the post!
Let’s get to the details now! I wanted the party to be bright and “springy” but simple enough to allow for creativity! I set up 2 long tables put together and covered them in these white table cloths. I love that they still have a nice look to them, but can be rolled up and thrown away in the end. The plastic liner is a bonus, perfect for working with so much coloring!
Each place had two plates – one dinner plate as a work space for their cookies, and one dessert plate to use for adding sprinkles. Then I laid one of the green guest towels across the top to wipe off tips as they work. Way cuter then my paper towel norm right?! On each paper towel laid 5 cookies 1 for each technique I was going to teach.
Along the table was many different colors of sanding sugar, tooth pics, additional cookies, and pre made centers for the flowers.

And lots of icing of course! Which sat in my cool new icing bottle holders – stay tuned to the blog tomorrow for more information!
To keep things fun (because you know all my lame jokes had to be painful) we played a game along the way! From the start of the class I tied a bit of bakers string in their aprons (pst I picked up packs of three at Hobby Lobby for 6 bucks with a coupon!) and then informed them they were no longer allowed to say the word cookie. If they did, and somebody caught them they got their string. The one with the most string at the end won a box full of cookie decorating items, pretty much everything they need to get started! So fun right?!
Now let’s see some cookie action! Look at these ladies focus…are they into it or what! I promise they really were having fun!

We practiced several different beginner techniques like wet on wet, sanding sugar coating, piping over dry, dragging wet icing, and so on. I was really impressed with how well they did! They say they’ve never used royal icing before…but I’m starting to think that they might be “cookie sharks” or something. ;) If you are thinking hey…I want to learn too…hop on over to Royal Icing 101 where I have most of the same info already posted for you!
Here’s some of there great work! I totally forgot to snap more pictures before they took their cookies home – wish I could show you them all! They really were so much fun.
Here are the lovely ladies showing off some of their art work!
They had fun, I had fun, cookies were made, I conquered a fear, and nobody died of complete boredom! They even claim to have learned a few things, heh! So I would call that a success, don’t you think? There’s even talk of some more of these events in the future!
Are you hosting an event anytime soon…baby shower, birthday, BBQ, or even a cookie decorating party of your own! How would you like to win the supplies you needed?! The sweet people of PartyPail.com have offered to give one of you a $50.00 credit to their shop! Plates, napkins, treat bags, prints, characters…they have it all! And because I like you guys so much – I’m going to give you guys all 4 chances to win! To enter you can like PartyPail, Inc or MBC on Facebook, follow MBC on Instagram, leave a comment below…or do all four to increase your chances!

LOVE IT! The party looked like so much fun! You’re a great hostess and instructor, Toni!
Toni, everyone looks like they had so much fun, beautiful cookies were made and you survived it all!! congratulations!
Happy Baking,
I liked them all! Hope I win :)
Looks like a lovely party and the guests were having lots of fun. I love doing parties and this party package would be right up my alley. Thanks for the give-a-way.
Wow! They did an amazing job! But who couldn’t, with an amazing instructor like you by their side! Thanks for the giveaway! I could use some supplies!
Those look awesome! No worries, i’m sure you were a great instructor and i’m sure they had loads of fun. Would love to win the party pail :)
I am so impressed that you got out of your comfort zone and did the cookie party! I love my behind the scenes of my computer a little too much. I love all the fun colors you used for the frosting and decorations.
Thank you Jocelyn! It’s so easy to get stuck behind the screen, it did feel nice to be actually talking to people in person for once! lol
I always wanted to do this for my kids, but it would be fun for the adults too! Great giveaway!
Woohoo… Party! The colors are just what we needed for a pick me upper… Cant wait to get more into planning and doing thanks to you!
This looked like so much fun. Will you host one when you come home to visit?
I would love to go to one.
I love making cookies! This is my kind of class :)
Would love this prize
So cute!
I love everything about baking-especially cookies!!!! YUM YUM YUM!!!! I havent done many from scratch, but would love to learn! This would be a great way to learn! :-)