Guys, I really want to tell you I'm so excited about today's post buuuuut I can't and here's why. Lately I've been a total podcast junkie. While I'm baking, photographing, editing...I'm always listening to a podcast. From business related podcasts to home organizing - podcast are my jam. Each day while I listen I notice something in common. Almost every single podcasts starts with the host saying, ... [ read more... ]
Banana Sugar Cookie Tutorial
Salad Sugar Cookie Platter

Last week I shared this Salad Sugar Cookie Platter on my Instagram feed, with a punny explanation that I had a resolution of eating more greens this year. I mean look at all those shades of green? That's some solid pun content right there guys. Forget the Vitamin A,B, or C - that's a down right dose of funny. All joking and sugar aside, I'm actually not a New Years resolution kinda girl. Gasp, ... [ read more... ]
Popcorn Sugar Cookies

Sometimes I have a brilliant reason to create something sweet. Other times I'm just rolling with whatever random things that POP in my head. These popcorn cookies for instance. I could have made these for an awesome carnival party, movie night, game day bash, sleep over...or literally an endless amount of events at which popcorn is known to hang out. But why did I make these? Because I saw a ... [ read more... ]
Bottle Brush Cookies

You know what bugs me about Christmas decor? It stays the same every single year. Which oddly enough is also what I love about it. Let me explain. You know the magic that you feel when you open up the ornament box and pull out your very favorite Christmas ornament, assuming the kiddos didn't smash it up while dragging the box out of storage of course. For me it's a huge glass bulb with a golden ... [ read more... ]
Bone Shaker Cookies

I've got this feeling inside my's SPRINKLES! Does that really surprise you though? I mean if I have anything in my bones it's gonna be sprinkles. I mean I practically eat breath and sleep sprinkles so it only makes sense. You don't even want to know about the frosting content in my we'll just move on to the Bone Shaker Cookies! Yes, cookies that you can play with! Well I ... [ read more... ]
Purple People Eater Cake

When it comes to monsters there is only one one-eyed flying purple people eater, who we all totally love and adore despite his people eating tendencies. (Not to be confused with the one-eyed green monster, Mike, he and his furry purple buddy are not the people eating type.) How can we not love him I mean he plays in rock and roll band! Him and his catchy tune has been around since before most of ... [ read more... ]
Spooky Halloween Cookie Bouquet

Do you guys remember the cookie bouquets I created in the past? This Daisy Cookie Bouquet is still one of my favorite sweet creations ever. I wanted to create a cookie flower bouquet that could stand like real flowers. To be honest I have no idea why this was so important to me but it totally was. I just knew if I could just figure it out it would change the entire look of a traditional (and kinda ... [ read more... ]
Circus Animal Cookies (Crazy big!)

It's a bird! It's a plane! No it's a giant Circus Animal Cookie! Wearing a party hat?! As a matter of fact it’s a whole Animal Circus Cookie parade! You guys. YOU GUYS! Are these not the cutest not so little hat wearing sprinkle covered cookies ever? I almost feel guilty about wanting to bite those little hats right off. Almost. Oh and did I mention they are giant…yea that’s my almost ten ... [ read more... ]
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