Peppermint Cheesecake Cupcakes

Have I ever told you guys I am not a fan of baking the same thing twice? I know it's kinda silly because most people crave something they have baked and loved and want to make it again…but me, I'm always wanting to try something new! With all the combos out there…there's only so many baking spots in life to fill! Which kind of creates a problem because of course friends and family have their favs ... [ read more... ]

Pumpkin Snickerdoodle Cookie Bark

I'm so excited the Halloween is almost here! Eek! Boo! Hooray! I feel like each year this holiday moves up on my favorites list. As I've said many times before Halloween was never a favorite growing up, and I still am not a fan of gory really creep Halloween type things. But I DO love all the silly things that can come along with Halloween, monsters can be adorable as long as their not trying to ... [ read more... ]

Triple Berry Chocolate Crisp & IFBC 15 Recap

Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of once again joining up with the Krusteaz Baker's Dozen team in Seattle at the International Food Blogger Convention! Seattle is a such a wonderful city with so much to see, do, and eat! (Beecher's mac and cheese, don't leave the city without some!) Our lucky friends at the Krusteaz HQ get the privilege of living there. So not only did we get to enjoy the IFBC we ... [ read more... ]

Spooky Spider Cookies & A Review Of Creature Cookies!

This weekend I'm enjoying a little blogger away time in Seattle. And next weekend I'll be headed for a little more away time in Salt Lake City. As I was packing for my insanely early Starbucks-is-not-even-open flight it occurred to me, I was going to see fall! FALL! As in the season we have missed while becoming desert dwellers. You guys have heard me ramble on about fall like my lost puppy right? ... [ read more... ]

Brown Sugar Maple Sunflower Cookies

This summer has been one for the books, and not in the way I had been hoping. I had some really fun plans this summer, especially with the launch of my new book Cupcakery, but things took a turn before they even got started. In May we found out we would be expecting our fourth child and I pretty much spent ever day after battling the worst of morning all day sickness. I spent far too many days ... [ read more... ]

Peanut Butter & Jelly Cookies

It's peanut butter jelly time! Peanut butter jelly time! I get a little pumped when it comes to peanut butter and jelly, I meant who doesn't? It's the ultimate kid flavor combo, and the easiest way to please when it comes to kiddo lunches. This time of year I'm a peanut butter and jelly factory as the kiddos head back to school, yay! I make sure to incorporate other foods, but if I let them ... [ read more... ]

Apple Crisp Cupcakes Fall Is Coming!

We're officially three days from September, three days! Which means pumpkin, spice, apples, scarves, crispy air...eek! I get so crazy happy when the fall nears, it's that first hint of excitement for all of the things to come over the next few months - holidays! Sadly, while we're living in the desert we don't really get a fall, not like were use to in the north, but we've come to make due no ... [ read more... ]

Sugar Cookie Ice Cream

Yesterday we sent the kiddos back to school, which means all three of the kiddos are now in school. ALL three! For most of my grown up life I've spent my days changing diapers, making PB & J's, wiping noses, picking up toys, and kissing boo boos. While part of me is totally relieved and totally excited for their new journey the other part of me feels completely lost. What exactly am I suppose to ... [ read more... ]