Krusteaz Gluten Free Pumpkin Brownie Stacks

Who's up for some brownies covered in pumpkin frosting, stacked in twos, and totally gluten free? Oh and did I mention crazy easy? Let me start off by being totally honest, the words "gluten free" makes the baker in me slightly cringe. Not to get all sciency on you here, but when baking, gluten is a huge player in the chemical reaction process. Although you don't need an abundance of it in ... [ read more... ]

Poison Apple Gum Balls for BHG!

Can you guys believe Halloween is next weekend?! I mean didn't stores just start putting out pumpkins like yesterday? Eek! This holiday has totally creeped up on me. Thank goodness grandma makes the girls costumes months in advance because outside of that, I have nothing prepared. And if you're anything like me this year, I have a treat for you guys today! Something easy peasy and simple that you ... [ read more... ]

Krusteaz Blueberry Sausage Pancakes

Today I'm sharing with you guys the first recipe I've created for Krusteaz! It has been so much fun working with them and I can't wait to share more, but for now let's talk about breakfast for dinner. Breakfast for dinner around here aka "brannier" (it's totally a thing) is a family favorite. Actually it might be the favorite. I've told you guys before how my kiddos consume pancakes like liquid, ... [ read more... ]

Lemon “Slime” Halloween Punch

Since today is October 1st, it's now officially appropriate to start sharing creepy crawly treats! Halloween is by far my favorite time to create fun and festive treats. My list of spooky Halloween sweets gets bigger and bigger each year, I think I need a longer month! Back in August I threw a small little TMNT party for a friend, at which we served green slime punch. It occurred to me that 1. ... [ read more... ]

Strawberries & Cream Ice Cream

I know what you're thinking…but it's September now and the whole world is jumping on the "all things pumpkin bandwagon" why are you posting more ice cream? Just kidding about the last part…there's no such thing as too much ice cream and we all know it! You see, I haven't quiet adjusted to living in the desert yet, and it's incredibly hard to get pumped up about Pumpkin Spice Lattes when it's still ... [ read more... ]

Baked Fruity Pebble Pancakes & Krusteaz Baker’s Dozen!

Well hello again, did ya miss me?! I sure have missed you! Busy can't even begin to explain the craziness we're currently calling life at the Millers! The kiddos started school last week (yes kiddos plural!) and it's been a constant circle of dropping off and picking up between PreK and full day, holiday projects are in full force, cook book is underway (did you hear the news?!), I injured my ... [ read more... ]

Chocolate Brownie Bark

You know that feeling from high school when you're late to class and you slip in the back hoping the teacher at the front doesn't even notice you weren't there? Well that's kinda how I feel today. I'm just going to slip right back into sharing sprinkle covered treats and hope you didn't even notice I haven't hardly blogged at all this month. Except now I just pointed it out…rats. Hopefully my ... [ read more... ]

Circus Animal Ice Cream

I am so SO excited to share today's post with you guys! A few days ago I noticed we were running low on homemade ice cream so I thought I better whip up a another batch or two. What can I say it's well over 100 degrees for weeks now, ice cream is practically a food group here! This was my chance to use up the half bag of Circus Animal Cookies I've been hoarding in the pantry since I made these ... [ read more... ]