Hello and welcome! I'm so freaking excited to be able to officially say I am doing LIVE tutorials on Instagram every other Thursday! I can't even you guys...just can't even. The blogging + social media space has changed so much since I've been hanging out with you guys here. It's mind blowing to think I can now actually hang out with you guys and get our sprinkle on together LIVE! I've always said ... [ read more... ]
Striped Fondant + Floral Heart Cookies
Pizza Cookies

Do you guys ever think of the cutest idea ever, that you just can't hardly wait to make it happen? Then just as you are about to make your epicness come to life you realize somebody else already did it. Or even worse 100 somebodies already did it. Whomp whomp whomp. All the sudden all your built up personal coolness points just totally skipped out the window. I struggle with this so much guys, so ... [ read more... ]
Banana Sugar Cookie Tutorial

Guys, I really want to tell you I'm so excited about today's post buuuuut I can't and here's why. Lately I've been a total podcast junkie. While I'm baking, photographing, editing...I'm always listening to a podcast. From business related podcasts to home organizing - podcast are my jam. Each day while I listen I notice something in common. Almost every single podcasts starts with the host saying, ... [ read more... ]
Salad Sugar Cookie Platter

Last week I shared this Salad Sugar Cookie Platter on my Instagram feed, with a punny explanation that I had a resolution of eating more greens this year. I mean look at all those shades of green? That's some solid pun content right there guys. Forget the Vitamin A,B, or C - that's a down right dose of funny. All joking and sugar aside, I'm actually not a New Years resolution kinda girl. Gasp, ... [ read more... ]
Popcorn Sugar Cookies

Sometimes I have a brilliant reason to create something sweet. Other times I'm just rolling with whatever random things that POP in my head. These popcorn cookies for instance. I could have made these for an awesome carnival party, movie night, game day bash, sleep over...or literally an endless amount of events at which popcorn is known to hang out. But why did I make these? Because I saw a ... [ read more... ]
Bottle Brush Cookies

You know what bugs me about Christmas decor? It stays the same every single year. Which oddly enough is also what I love about it. Let me explain. You know the magic that you feel when you open up the ornament box and pull out your very favorite Christmas ornament, assuming the kiddos didn't smash it up while dragging the box out of storage of course. For me it's a huge glass bulb with a golden ... [ read more... ]
Bone Shaker Cookies

I've got this feeling inside my bones....it's SPRINKLES! Does that really surprise you though? I mean if I have anything in my bones it's gonna be sprinkles. I mean I practically eat breath and sleep sprinkles so it only makes sense. You don't even want to know about the frosting content in my blood...so we'll just move on to the Bone Shaker Cookies! Yes, cookies that you can play with! Well I ... [ read more... ]
Witch’s Brew Cookies

What does a witch drink? Witch's BREW obviously! And probably diet coke when its warm out. But that has nothing to do with today's post. So we'll stick to the brew for now. Which brings me right on to these Witch's Brew cookies. Because if you know me in even the smallest way you know I am all about the coffee, sprinkles, and horrible puns. I really made these cookies to practice my cookie ... [ read more... ]
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