Archives for 2014

Root Beer Float Cookies

Something I love about baking/decorating treats is the ability find inspiration from everywhere. Maybe it's a cool color scheme for a party, an adorable card animation turned into cookies, or a unique flavor adapted from a local restaurant...I find inspiration just about everywhere I go! There is always something to be inspired by. The inspiration for these root beer float cookies actually came ... [ read more... ]

Birthday Cake Monkey Bread

Today my sweet, no longer baby girls, turned four. Four years since we welcomed two four pound little ladies into the world. Four years since the double the diapers, double the bows, double the pink, and double the cuteness began. Which means, no more toddlers for us, we've officially moved on to all "big girls" and only one thing comes to mind. Hallelujah, oh happy day, we survived! And that ... [ read more... ]

Shamrock Cookie Sandwiches

It's Friday! I hope you guys have had a fabulous week, because I have a little St. Patty's excitement to wrap it up! Today I'll be sharing how quick and easy you can make some of these adorable little shamrock cookies sandwiches, with rainbow sprinkle filled centers! All while dishing the details on one of my FAV baking tools! These cookies are seriously easy to pull together, just a ... [ read more... ]

Mint Oreo Cupcakes

Hellllooooo there! Geesh, it feels like forever since I've shared a new post! Did you think maybe I had disappeared, drowned in my sprinkles, tangled in baker's twine? No worries, I'm here, just buried behind a large pile of, paperwork, a full schedule, and a to do list far longer then I'd like to admit! A few weeks ago my oldest kiddo was super sick with Scarlet Fever (yes, it's still around!) ... [ read more... ]

High Hat Birthday Cake Cupcakes

A few months ago I finally got the courage to attempt some high hat cupcakes. While cupcakes dipped in chocolate sound amazing, something about taking the time to create a beautiful cupcake and then turning it upside down and dipping it in hot chocolate, just seemed terrifying to me. Much to my surprise it was way easier then it seemed, and the cupcakes were such a hit! I was pretty much hooked on ... [ read more... ]

Red Velvet Cake Mix Fudge

It's true, I've made just about everything from a cake mix it's like a crazy challenge I've given myself or something. Normal people see a cake mix used to make easy cake or cupcakes, I see a chance to be creative or insane - however you want to look at it really. I've made cake mix cinnamon rolls, pie crust, puppy chow, dip, cookies, fudge....I'm sure I'm leaving some out but you get the point! ... [ read more... ]

Peas Be My Valentine!

I have the cutest Valentine's day treats to share with you guys today! Once again I've teamed up with the cuteness queen Angela from Hello, Cuteness! to bring you guys a fun and unique Valentines treat and printable(s). A few weeks ago I had this crazy idea to make cute little peas for Valentine's day to say "Peas Be My Valentine". I know veggies for Valentine's day?? But Angela didn't even blink ... [ read more... ]

Snickers Cupcakes

I have this little thing for turning well loved treats into cupcakes, it's something about the challenge of taking certain ingredients and recreating them in cupcake form that makes me happy! Last year I discovered you can recreate the Snickers filling with two simple ingredients, and I just had to turn it into a cupcake. The first batch was gone before they even saw a camera...and what better ... [ read more... ]