Something sweet for ya!

Happy Pill Cookies
Like Button Cookie
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial

Pizza Cookies

Do you guys ever think of the cutest idea ever, that you just can’t hardly wait to make it happen? Then just as you are about to make your epicness come to life you realize somebody else already did it. Or even worse 100 somebodies already did it. Whomp whomp whomp. All the sudden all your built up personal coolness points just totally skipped out the window. I struggle with this so much guys, so much! Because here’s the thing, in this technology filled world it’s pretty rare to be unique. Chances are somebody’s done it. Especially because wether we like it or not we are influenced by the creations and people we see around us. That was totally me and these Pizza Cookies. Not that I thought pizza cookies were a new concept, I’ve totally seen them around. But for months now I’ve been playing around with the idea of an awesome “Pizza Me” Valentine’s cookie. Until Valentine’s Day was barely even in sight and the concept was e-v-e-r-y-where…along with a few other ideas I thought were of so fun and original.

Pizza Cookies

Again with the whomp whomp whomp. I took a couple of years off of blogging when we had our last babe and moved across the world. But MAN the space has changed. There are so many people out there creating amazing things, and so many people who share my love for quirky desserts and cheesy puns. I use to be one of the few who braved to make things like say Salad Cookies. But here’s the thing guys. Are you listening…cause this is almost as important as not burning cookies here. You have to create ANYWAY! Even if somebody makes the exact same thing you were planning on making, maybe even better then your plans, you have to do it anyway! Each of us hold a unique way of delivering our craft, a crazy little spin of our own. Sure maybe the world has seen 12,000,000 pizza cookies this Valentine’s day (totally accurate number right there) but they haven’t seen YOUR pizza cookie. And who are you to rob the world of your adorable frosted creation?

I am preaching right back at myself guys. This is something I have struggled with so much as a decorator + content creator. I’m not saying jump on every bandwagon and copy anything you can. I’m just saying, create whatever fun ideas your heart has manifested. No matter what. So for me, I had to make the 12,000,001th pizza cookie the internet has seen this year. And I’m so darn glad I did! Did you guys catch what twist I added? Fondant toppings! Yep those pepperoni’s and olives are fondant, and oh what is that on those pepperoni’s sprinkles! Clearly I’ve gone rogue. As you guys probably already know I’ve been playing with the concept of fondant on cookies like these Happy Pill Cookies or these Fondant + Stripes Flower Cookies. But for these pizza cookies I wanted to try royal icing and fondant! If your wondering why, the fondant provides a total different texture then you might be able to create with royal icing. Things like flowers and bows could be added so simply yet with so much detail. Also piping olives in little circles can be tricky…cutting them from fondant is truly simple.

Pizza Cookies

As always you can add or adjust tools and supplies to fit your ideal end result or tools you already have. But here’s what I used. Also, all of these royal icings could easily be switched to 20 second icing. I am just so darn old school I love to pipe and flood.

pizza shaped sugar cookies (I used the candy corn cutter from this pack and this recipe)
food coloring marker + template that came with the cutter
light brown outline + flood icing
brown + yellow airbrush (I mixed a half and half combo)
red outline + flood icing
slightly yellow 20 second icing
green sugar crystals
red fondant
black fondant
medium circle cutter (I used a tip)
small circle cutter
brown outline icing made from leftover crust color (could be replaced with brown fondant)

Pizza Cookies

Step 1: This is optional, but I like to draw a line across all of my cookies using a food coloring marker to keep my crusts consistent in size.

Step 2: Flood and fill crusts with light brown icing. Let the crusts dry for a few hours. When they have crusted over you can gently take a sponge and some piping icing and “blot” on more frosting to give it that awesome pizza texture. After letting these sit for about 20 minutes you can give them a shot of brown + yellow airbrush (mix together half and half) to give it that baked look. These two things are really the key to getting this awesome pizza crust look.

Step 3: Outline the cookie in red outline icing. Flood around the outline just a little bit, there’s no need to flood the entire cookie as were going to fill it up with “cheese”.

Step 4: After the red icing has crusted over a bit (I keep a fan on the cookies as I work) I fill the centers with a slightly tinted yellow 20 second icing and sprinkle on just a few green sugar crystal sprinkles for seasonings if you would like. After you can pipe on a few pieces of sausage with the brown outline icing. Make sure to leave room for the other toppings! Let the icing dry overnight or at least several hours before moving on to the fondant toppings.

Step 5: To create the sprinkled pepperoni simply roll out your red fondant and sprinkle on a small amount of pink or red sprinkles, then roll over them once more to press in. If I were to redo these cookies I would add some texture to the pepperonis with a sponge, feel free to try that out! Roll and cut the small black circles for olives, and then use a straw to cut the centers. If you place the fondant as you work the still soft fondant will adhere to the top of the cookie with a gentle touch. If you have pre made your fondant pieces you may need just a tiny bit of corn syrup to “glue” the fondant piecing on to the royal icing.

Step 6: Finish up with a few more shots of airbrush to make the cheese looks baked.

And that’s is guys pizza pizza and more pizza. I hope you guys are inspired to create some pizzas of your own…and maybe even play with a little fondant?
