I told you guys awhile back that I had some major blog catching up to do right? Well guess what!!! I still haven't done it, whomp whomp whomp. No worries though it's happening right now! So let me go ahead and apologize for the crazy amount of sweet catch up I'm about to do. For those of you that are signed up for email notifications, so sorry about the inbox flooding this week as I double down on ... [ read more... ]
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Like Button Cookies

Gosh guys. Somehow I let an entire month pass by without a single blog post! It's not that I haven't been baking - I've been doing tons of that. I just haven't had the time to sit down and actually write out a blog post. Not only did all things back to school mix things up around here we took a last minute 10 day trip to London. Because as if back to school isn't crazy enough...why not just leave ... [ read more... ]
Waffle Cone Sugar Cookies

I have some great news guys. I've finally got into an exercise routine that I really love. I mean seriously. One that I'm always excited about and I have no trouble sticking too. Would you guys like more info? You know I would love to share. It's called "the ice cream walk". First I load a 25 pound baby on my back. Then we hike down to the center of our sweet German village where we scramble ... [ read more... ]
Happy Pill Cookies

What did the cookie dough say to the cutter? Cut it out, you don't impress me much! (Bonus points if you know what 90's song that makes me sing!) Admit it. It had you rolling...right? You obviously live for my punny jokes. :) I mean why do I even have a blog. Really I should go into writing comedy or like greeting cards for something. You're right...I wouldn't last a day. They would laugh ... [ read more... ]