What's better then yummy adorable food? Food you can play with! As you guys know, most of the treats I make are geared towards holidays, celebrations, and kiddos. I love making treats that the kiddos light up just a bit while they get to enjoy (not that I've even seen a child deny or not enjoy a cookie). Every once in awhile, it's ok to play with your food! I was inspired to make these ... [ read more... ]
Leprechaun Beard Cookie Pops
Chocolate Cherry Cut Out Cookies

Happy Valentine's Day! One of the love {aka. buttercream} filled buttercream treats that I made to share this week were these chocolate cherry cut out chocolate cookie sandwhiches. (say that ten times fast!) A few weeks ago a sweet reader, Annie (hello!), sent me a little note and picture sharing some adorable fruit filled cut out cookies that she made after reading my sugar cookie post. They were ... [ read more... ]
Chocolate Covered Cookie Pops

What better way to say I love you then with cookies?! Especially cookies dipped in white chocolate, then covered in sprinkles! I don't know about you guys, but I would totally take a bouquet of cookies over flowers any day. Every girl loves flowers every once in awhile...but to me, they are so over rated and over priced! Not to mention they die. Now cookies, well you just can't go wrong with ... [ read more... ]
Deck the halls with boughs of holly {cupcakes}!

Deck the halls with boughs of holly....fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. Tis the season to be jolly, fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la. What the lyrics don't tell you is that all that decking of the halls takes time, lots of time. Those Christmas celebrations fill the calendar to the max, Christmas card duty hangs over your head like a brick, and the "gay apparel" is one load too many. Then cookies ... [ read more... ]
Rolled Cookies 101

Hey guys! Today I'm back with another post in my serious of - Let's talk about - baking basics, sugar cookies! Which just so happens to be my fav cookie. Not only are sugar cookies my favorite on the yumminess scale, I really have fun making them. They are so popular this time of year, so I thought this would be a good time to share. I've spent the past few years experimenting with my process ... [ read more... ]