One of my favorite things about baking, is proving myself wrong over and over. I know, weird right? But it's true. I love to break my own boundaries, discover new things, and realize that maybe I actually do love that flavor I've always said I don't like at all…wait did I just admit to behaving like a picky toddler? Let's take our citrus friends lemon and lime for example, the BFF's of ... [ read more... ]
Red Velvet Cake Mix Fudge
It's true, I've made just about everything from a cake mix it's like a crazy challenge I've given myself or something. Normal people see a cake mix used to make easy cake or cupcakes, I see a chance to be creative or insane - however you want to look at it really. I've made cake mix cinnamon rolls, pie crust, puppy chow, dip, cookies, fudge....I'm sure I'm leaving some out but you get the point! ... [ read more... ]