Yesterday we sent the kiddos back to school, which means all three of the kiddos are now in school. ALL three! For most of my grown up life I’ve spent my days changing diapers, making PB & J’s, wiping noses, picking up toys, and kissing boo boos. While part of me is totally relieved and totally excited for their new journey the other part of me feels completely lost. What exactly am I suppose to do with all this time? And what on earth do I eat for lunch…who reminds me to eat lunch when they aren’t starving 30 minutes after breakfast!
I’m sure time will answer these questions. But for now, I figured out ice cream is totally acceptable for lunch at least when the kiddos aren’t around. Incase you didn’t know I’m totally into making my own no churn needed ice cream…it’s so easy and so yummy! You can make it with just a few ingredients and add in any extra sweet bits you may have hanging around – like sugar cookies!
I created this recipe to share on, made using their bakery style sugar cookies. I have never loved a box sugar cookie like I loved these. SO good! If you’re over coming the back to school emptiness or needing a treat to sneak while the toddlers are napping this ones for you mama! Just don’t give the kiddos ALL of the cookies. Head on over and get the recipe here.