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Rice Crispy Birthday Cake!


It’s my birthday and I’ll…make a rice crispy cake if I want to?

Five years ago today, I lost my birthday and my heart was stolen shortly after. No really, it’s true! On that day I was in labor for my sweet (first) baby girl, who would be born the following day, December, 14th. I was so thankful she wasn’t born on my birthday, because I didn’t want her to have to “share” her special day and what not. {Little did I know…3 years later I would have 2 girls that had to share a birthday but that’s another birthday story}. That one special day turned me into the crazy birthday celebration loving momma. Which honestly led to cakes and desserts and then this blog!

Each year I can’t wait to start planning their parties and making every bit of their day special. Which means of course, each of my birthdays are spent doing things like blowing balloons, decorating cakes, wrapping gifts, last minute shopping…and pretty much just running around like a headless chicken. But I wouldn’t have it any other way :) I mean after 21 what’s another birthday anyway? ;)


But now that our sweet baby girl is turning 5 (gulp) she understands that mommy too has a birthday. This year she has been asking for weeks what my cake is going to look like. Funny thing about bakers…they bake everybody else’s cake but who bakes theirs? lol. I tried nicely to explain to her that we really didn’t need another cake and my list of to do’s for her party was a mile long, but she really didn’t want to hear that. I had to have a cake. I have no idea where she gets her persistence or love of birthdays :). So I finally gave in and decided to bake a tiny little birthday cake last night….until I realized we had no eggs. No eggs = no cake. I tried to get her to agree on birthday cake fudge (one of my fans!) but that was a no go too. Then it hit me…why not make it out of rice crispy…and flavor it like birthday cake? How fun. Oh and add in some  a ton of sprinkles, gotta have sprinkles. I simply added a little bit of yellow cake mix and sprinkles to a regular rice crispy recipe and pressed it into two six in cake pans. Then layered them with a light layer of left over buttercream. Quick, easy, and oh so yummy! Like I said before I’m on a strict time crunch here so I didn’t take step by step photos, but I think you probably already know how to make rice crispies anyway :)

You will need:

5 cups rice crispy cereal
1 10oz bag Jet-Puff mini marshmallows
3 TBS butter
1 cup yellow cake mix (dry)
buttercream/icing (optional)

Step 1. Pour your cereal into a large bowl. Grease your pans with butter. (I used to 6in cake pans but you could make in whatever pan you would like.)

Step 2. In a medium pot melt butter over stove top on low. Once melted add marshmallows. Stir until melted.

Step 3: Remove from heat and pour in cake mix. Mix well.

Step 4: Pour melted marshmallows into mixing bowl with cereal slowly, mixing while pouring.

Step 5: Gently stir until almost fully mixed, then add in sprinkles, and finish stirring.

Step 6. Pour in to greased cake pans and gently push on top to “form” the rice crispy (greasing your hands with a bit of butter helps a TON). Let cool.

*optional* Step 7. Remove from pan and ice the top of one rice crispy layer then stack. Add a bit of decoration and some candles!

Sure beats having a third cake laying around here this week :)

Sprinkles, cake, pink, easy, quick, cute…I’ll take it!

Rice Crispy Birthday Cake!


  • 5 cups rice crispy cereal
  • 1 10oz bag Jet-Puff mini marshmallows
  • 3 TBS butter
  • 1 cup yellow cake mix (dry)
  • sprinkles
  • buttercream/icing (optional)


  1. Pour your cereal into a large bowl. Grease your pans with butter. (I used to 6in cake pans but you could make in whatever pan you would like.)
  2. In a medium pot melt butter over stove top on low. Once melted add marshmallows. Stir until melted.
  3. Remove from heat and pour in cake mix. Mix well.
  4. Pour melted marshmallows into mixing bowl with cereal slowly, mixing while pouring.
  5. Gently stir until almost fully mixed, then add in sprinkles, and finish stirring.
  6. Pour in to greased cake pans and gently push on top to “form” the rice crispy (greasing your hands with a bit of butter helps a TON). Let cool.
  7. optional Remove from pan and ice the top of one rice crispy layer then stack. Add a bit of decoration and some candles!



  1. This is BEAUTIFUL! And so very perfect for a birthday :) tons of sprinkles = my kind of cake!!

  2. What a fabulous idea! I love it, Toni! Happy belated Birthday, on the 13th! Did I already know that?!? I was 12/12:) Did you already know that?!? :)

  3. A truly colourful cake perfect for birthdays. Not only that, it looks delicious as well. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Anonymous says:

    the cake mix is it just any cake mix u find at HEB?

  5. Icing the cake to a smooth, fine finish is considered to
    be one of the most important parts of cake decorating and should
    be fine tuned as your skills develop. If you are making use of a ready-made kit,
    read and understand all the instructions to avoid confusion.
    If you wish your cake decorations to strike a cord with your guests you can take the help of professionals for an exquisite cake and cupcake decorations.

  6. valerie french says:

    how is it to cut in slices? We know crispie bars are hard to cut \o/\o/

    • It actually wasn’t too bad at all, but I can tell you the longer it sits the more firm it will become as it dries out. Hope that helps, happy baking!