Oh my goodness you guys, we’ve officially moved across the world. Yep, like we have a new house in Germany! The last few weeks have been a whirlwind I can hardly believe we are finally here, and finally getting settled. As promised I will continue to blog just the same over here…with the whole new challenge of these tiny tiny ovens! Eek. But seriously Europe, what’s with the doll sized ovens? Don’t you all bake Turkeys…giant cakes…24 cupcakes at a time? I kid, I kid. But the struggle, it’s going to be real.
Speaking of Turkey, it’s fall here! Like really fall, where the leaves are turning colors, and man are they ever so beautiful here. For reals, it’s amazing. Nothing like back in El Paso where it was fall only because the calendar and Starbucks menu told us so. And nothing says fall like a warm drink and some pumpkin cookie strudel cake! Bet you didn’t see that one coming did you? For this month’s Baker’s dozen recipe at Krusteaz.com I wanted to extend my little “collection” of cookie cakes. Because hello, everybody loves cookie and cake. The pecan and streusel are just major bonus.
The best part about this recipe is it’s super simple if your looking for something for a Halloween party this weekend and versatile yet just fancy enough to serve up at a table full of guests for Thanksgiving dinner. But even more important – this guy taste amazing. Like stuff yourself full of sweets because you just can’t stop amazing. So get ready for a delicious bit of fall and click on over here to grab the full recipe.