Is there such a thing as pumpkin withdraws? I mean seriously, can that happen. November is ticking away and with it…so it pumpkin season! How, how, can this happen? I feel like this year I just haven’t got my pumpkin fill in just yet. I have a feeling I might still be hoarding pumpkin treats when the tree is lit and decorated. Although, we do have peppermint to look forward to. But not yet! It’s only November and I say on with the pumpkin!
This year my friends at Krusteaz sent me tons of fun pumpkin products to try, all of which I have loved but I resorted to an old favorite – their Pumpkin Bread. Sure I’ve used this mix 100 times but I had a new idea and I had to try it. Instead of baking up this bread with a yummy streusel topping like last year and then watching the kids devour it within seconds I made them wait just a little longer while I turned it into something even better – french toast! Pumpkin and french toast, they make lovely breakfast partners!
Wouldn’t this be such a fun treat for Thanksgiving breakfast (yes, it’s totally a thing). After all we better fill up those tummies because we will be waiting all day for that bird to cook! So go ahead seize the pumpkin treats for a little longer head on over and find the recipe at as my November submission to the Baker’s Dozen.