Today I’m taking a break from all things sweet and crafty to share a very special milestone we reached as a family, the first day of school. Since I’m writing this post you can assume we made it through without any complete disasters lol. If you remember yesterdays post I wasn’t exactly ready…but things worked out in the end as they always do. To some, the first day of Pre-K might not be such a big deal but for us it was a huge step and a change for all. For starters, Cadence is our first child, so this was our very first first day and as with any family that’s kinda a big deal! Then there is the fact that we weren’t sure we would ever be sending her to school at all. We have spent the last few years debating weather we would send our children to school or homeschool them in our home. I could go on and on with our pro’s and con’s list. Our biblical views and military lifestyle played a huge roll in considering which was right for our family. Ultimately I was worried about her being so molded in the secular school system. I was worried about her switching schools often, sometimes military kids switch several times a year. On the other side I was sad she would be missing out on things like school plays and prom, and maybe she needed the social structure because she was moving around so much? Our pros and con lists were a mile long on both sides. I was such a hard choice to make.

After going back and forth, praying, and talking, and praying some more it wasn’t until a friend reminded us that sending her to school would be sending our little light out into the world. That she would have a chance to impress her glowing spirit and make a difference. That she could still learn her to be helpful, to be caring, to be loving, even when those around her aren’t. Sending her to school will stretch her in ways we can’t at home. That week I was able to sign her up and get one of the few spots a the local elementary school. She was THRILLED!
I was still a little nervous how things would work out. Because it’s Pre-K she can’t ride the bus…which means I have to drag out the two 2 year olds every day twice a day just to get her to school. And there’s no awesome drive up situation like most little pre-schools…I have to get both littles out and take them in…think dead of winter in upstate New York. Everybody’s routine has been effected. For 4.5 years daddy has gotten up before the kids and I with plenty of time to get himself dressed and ready for the day. The kids and I aside from sparatic appointments, functions, and playdates have always been on our on schedule. If the kids are in pajamas at lunch so what, and maybe I decided to bake something random instead of do the laundry, not that ever happens really ;).Now daddy will be getting ready along with the rest and playing a roll in the process, I’ll be headed out the door before him, and a strict routine will have to be kept. Routine. Schedule. Chaos. Welcoming to parenting older children 101 :)
So this morning she headed off to school. Of course she loved it..and a light she was. She went into the class with all the confidence in the world, smiling and greeting the teacher the second she got to the door. And after she came bouncing out to the car like she had just won an Olympic medal, grinning ear to ear. Her only complaint was she couldn’t stay for the PM session! And I couldn’t have been any happier for her. I know we made the right choice and I can’t wait to see how her journey continues.
Plus I got to buy her this cute cupcake backpack…win win right?
I was able to grab these photos very quick before school. I decided to skip the whole hold up a sign thing that everybody is doing now. There’s no way I’ll be able to keep the signs same signs around till they graduate lol. So I thought I would just photoshop the year and grade. Each year I plan on making a year shot along with a pintrest inspired favorites shot then keep them in an album for her. Something cool to lay out at graduation and keep for yesteryear memories :)
There she goes. Off to light up the world. We love you sweet baby girl.
Next week all THREE girls start ballet, just to make our life a little more busy.
But don’t worry even with all the changes around here…I have lots to share! I’ll be back soon with a drool on you screen dessert, promise :).

I’m new to your blog and my heart melted when I saw these pictures…she is the cutest!
Thank you!