Today I have a post a little different from the norm. But don’t worry…it still involves cookies. ;) For those of you that may not know, we’re an Army family and of course we move a lot. When I say a lot, I mean my children average a state per year they have been alive, a lot. While moving is part of the normal military lifestyle, I think we exceed the average by a bit! We just can’t seem to stay in one place.
We’ve now been in New York for 15 months, so of course…it’s about “that time” for us. Clearly too long – because we’ve received our next set of orders. But before I tell you where we’re headed I thought I’d show you where we’ve been…in cookies! Last week I decorated a cookie in the shape of each state we’ve lived in, with a heart over where we lived. The girls had fun talking about each state and seeing where we lived. Who says baking can’t be educational! – Oh, and the adorable state cutters came from here!
Crazy enough. We started out in little ole Indiana. The hubs and I are actually high school sweethearts…he was already in the military and we made our first move just 2 months after getting married. To Oklahoma….
…which was a HUGE adjustment, but we survived! We had our first daughter here and a 15 month deployment shortly after, during which the kiddo and I moved back to Indiana, then back to Oklahoma again! We were so excited to head to eventually head to Virgnia…
…where we had our twin girls just 90 days after. We absolutely loved Virginia, and finally felt like we were “home”. But that didn’t last for very long because after 21 months we received completely random orders to New York…
…where we’re finally getting settled, despite the never ending snow. The short lived summer is beautiful and the remote location has actually allowed us to “slow down” a bit. We knew we wouldn’t be here too long though. The hubs has been in a job transition for over a year now, and he leaves for a 4 month school in less days then I want to admit. So the girls and I will be spending the summer enjoying beautiful New York without daddy. (feel free to send wine and chocolate, just kidding) Then in the fall we’ll be moving to…
..Texas! Yep. We’re moving from the border of Canada to the border of Mexico, about 5 miles to be exact! I am still a bit shocked. You would think I’d be use to it already…but I just wasn’t expecting quiet that far south. But as always we’ll adjust! I’ve already started googling the nearest baking stores…there seems to be a few! And rumor has it, we’re going to be there for a solid 2-3 years. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see!
Moving (and the army lifestyle) definitely has it’s ups and downs but we try really hard to make it a positive experience in our girl’s life. Who else can say they’ve lived in the same number of states as they have had birthdays!?! Not to mention they’ve experienced far more then the average child, maybe adult even! Despite the occasional tears from missing family, they seem to be thriving and happy no matter their place on the globe. They are so excited about moving, and yes, they’ve now discovered the difference between dessert and desert. ;)
Plus, the hubs and I have acquired quiet a few unique skills. Like the ability to unpack a house in 24 hours – or cooking three course meals in a hotel. Yea, we’re awesome like that.
Really excited for our next stop! And if you have any tips for baking in that climate – send them my way!

Love the state cookies and so excited for your next adventure! Besides you know the Mitchells are always looking for a new place to vacay!! :)
Wahoo! Come on down and eat some Mexican food with us! Ok…you guys can have the Mexican food…really I’ll just stop at Subway! lol
Awww… You are at Drum! I went to high school in Watertown (IHC) and now live in Syracuse! My husband spent many days up there while commanding a reserve Forward Surgical Team… TY to your husband and you… I know deployments and time away are hard… If you ever need a baking apprentice… I will gladly come up…
Watertown was a huge adjustment…but we kinda like it now! How fun you are in Syracuse, I wish we could get down there more often to shop! Eh, maybe that’s why the hubs never wants to go there. :)
My husband is in the Air Force, so I know what you mean about learning to settle down in new places. We have only moved twice so far–3 years in England which was a huge change, and right now we are in Virginia. I was wondering if you had any recommendations for any baking stores around here, as it seems from your VA cookie we’re stationed around the same area as you guys were.
I always love and look forward to your blog posts!
I hope you guys are loving Virginia as much as we did! And England – wow super jealous! The only baking store I ever found in Virginia was in Richmond called Baker’s kitchen. It was a small shop but they had all kinds of things in it..hope that helps!
Where in England were you? Unfortunately, not as great baking supplies over here!
Toni that was so cute. I will keep you and your family in prayer.
Thank you! We appreciate it!
I have lived in Tx almost my whole life. In the area you are going I hope you like HOT food because we have a lot of it! I hope you and your family enjoy Texas. We have a lot of great people and food, I hope and pray you like our southern hospitality!
I have a feeling we won’t be eating out much! lol I’m sure we will enjoy it there though!
Very cute and clever, Toni:) Our daughter and family is moving FROM Texas this summer, to Utah…so they will be half as far away-Yay! It was very hot in TX during the summer, but the people were all so nice and friendly, noticeably so! I know your family will fit right into that friendly atmosphere:) Best wishes to all of you!
Thanks Sue! I’m loving how everybody has said the people are so nice! Coming from New York we could use a good dose of hospitality lol. And yay for your daughter moving closer! That’s awesome :)
That was cute and clever!
Thank you!!
Curious as to where you got your cookie cutters. And I see everywhere you’ve lived has been in the US – is that fairly normal?
The cutter were purchased from! They were the only place that had ALL of our states! lol. As for living in the US, it just depends on your personal experience and possibly even job. My husbands job is very select and we have been blessed with only one deployment and all US posts. They just have needed him here, although he works far more hours then the average Joe. I am sure we’ll have a international post coming up soon. We have lots of friends stationed overseas!
This is such an adorable post, Toni! I can’t imagine what it’s like to live in a military family where you’re shuffling around all the time, but in a way it sounds fun to me! Always a new adventure — I love that!
It really is! I LOVE always having something new to do :).
Thank your husband for serving and I thank you too for supporting him! Blessings
Thank you! I appreciate it tons!
I know exactly where you are going!!!! I’m Military as well with a side business doing cakes and cookies actually deployed right now. But let me tell you, there is a fabulous Cake Supply shop there. They have two locations on downtown and one on the Far East Side of town. The customer service is incredible. I remember I didn’t have my edible printer then and he made it to where I could just email the image to him and could go pick it up the next day so I didn’t have to make so many trips. Don’t know if you are planning on living on post but if not the East Side is the Best side of town. Also they have been doing some Major Expanding there they even have a Buffalo Wild Wings on post.( They would wait until I left for that). I think you will like it but it is different so be prepared. It is 5 minutes from Mexico but at time it will seem as if you are in Mexico. Great shopping downtown though especially little girls clothes. I still have some friends and family in the area so if you need help seriously let me. Would be happy to put you in touch with a few folks.
I love reading about your journey! I can’t imagine the strength you must have to move so much. After one state move and a move back, I told my husband I was done (but we had a choice!)
Adorable :)