Have you guys ever made the most silly mistake ever, and can’t even believe it in hindsight? Like jaw-on-floor you forgot you had a fourth kid (kidding). If not can you please just say yea totally and make me feel better right now? Because I totally did right here on this blog.
I just realized after launching my new site + brand, The Sprinkle Factory a few months ago, I never actually officially posted here about it! Usually I don’t really care for that certain set of yellow adult cartoon characters from the 90’s but in this case I feel the only proper response would be DOH! Straight Homer style.
Ok wait before you you give me that disapproving side eye…think of it kinda like a mom who just had a baby and leaves the house in her slippers (for a week). Or maybe her keys in the fridge because she is functioning on pure baby snuggles and caffeine. Guys that was me with the new blog launch. I was so exhausted, and yet so happy and excited – full steam ahead!
To clarify I shared it so much on social media, particularly IG. I had such a big response and so many amazing sweet friends came over I just somehow blanked getting a post up here. Sometimes you all feel like such great friends I forget your not all on Instagram, Facebook, or my email list! GAH! If you’re one of those people who strictly follow my posts here I am so so sorry. But I’m going to make it up because not only do I have a fun new site to check out, there is now loads of fresh content for you! YAY! Also let’s talk about why we’re not friends on IG or FB mkkk?
So what are you waiting for…head on over to the new site THE SPRINKLE FACTORY and check it out! And while you’re there you might want to get signed up for the new email newsletter. I can’t wait for you to see all the new things I’ve been up to…and have to come you’re way! This new brand is the start of a whole new dream!