Something sweet for ya!

Happy Pill Cookies
Like Button Cookie
Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial
Cotton Candy Cupcakes

Let’s talk about updates, shall we?

I can not hardly believe it’s been a year since MBC moved to it’s own domain and launched this new site! It’s been a fun year full of sweets, friends, and more sweets! And of course MBC has grown a bit over the last year, so its time for a little updating! To help out with that the cuteness fairy (aka Angela from Hello, Cuteness) stopped in this week and as always she left us with adorable new stuff and useful features! While you guys only see the sprinkle and buttercream yumminess I post on MBC Angela is always hard at work keeping this site updated, functional, and clean for all of us! Thanks Ang!

Today I wanted to share with you guys the few things we’ve added to the site recently. Ultimately it is my goal for MBC to be not just full of fun and yummy treats, but also easy to navigate so you guys can dive right in and find the ideas, recipes, or information you’re looking for. Let’s start the tour shall we? Please remember to keep seated while the tour is in motion, and if you could please refrain from clicking until the presentation is over that would be appreciated…I kid, I kid!

First stop, the Sweets Index!

MBC Site Updates

New Categories In The Sweets Index

The Sweets Index is my favorite place within MBC. It’s so bright and fun and easy to use! Lately we noticed our Misc. Treats Index was getting a little full so we’ve added three new indexes to help out – Macarons, Truffles, and Meringues. Seriously are the new graphics not adorable?! So wether you’re looking for a specific cookie or in need of a cupcake idea, this is the place too be.

MBC Site Updates

If you’re new to MBC or you’ve been around for awhile and your saying “Hey, I didn’t know that was there!” No worries, I’ll help you out! There’s two quick ways to access the Sweets Index. You can click the cute little recipe box on the right or the link in the navigation bar (which also has a drop down menu). Additionaly, if your looking for a specific item or theme don’t forget about the search bar and drop down menus to the right.

MBC Site Updates

New Spot For Tips & Tools

Also brand new to the site is a spot specifically for posts featuring baking Tips and Tools. I’m really excited about this new area. Soon I’ll be sharing posts dedicated to my favorite baking/decorating tips and tricks as well as favorite new and old tools. It’s a little empty right now but don’t worry I have many posts coming in the future!

MBC Site Updates

Seasonal Post Highlights

You may have already noticed this new feature, it’s been around a few weeks but still worth noting! We’ve added this little spot above the most recent posts to highlight past and present treats current with the season. This is a great little space to have wether your just enjoying the season or just browsing for ideas.

And that concludes todays tour! I hope you guys will find the new additions useful! Please exit the vehicle in an orderly fashion and remember to take all belongings….;)



  1. Your site is one of the nicest I’ve ever seen. You and Angela have done an exceptional job of designing a beautiful and easy to navigate website.

    • Thank you Beth! Your sweet words always mean a ton to me! Check your email I’m about to shoot over a little note :)

  2. I love it!!!! and I agree with Beth, This is one of the most beautiful site I’ve ever seen. Congrats!

  3. I love the new update!!! I loved it the way it was, but this takes it to a whole new level! Great job on all ends!!!