Something sweet for ya!

Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Like Button Cookie
Happy Pill Cookies

Easy Meals And Treats For The New Year With Krusteaz!

As many of you already know, we are just weeks…maybe days away from welcoming out sweet little #4 to the world. In some ways I feel like WHERE has these last 9 months went? And in others I’m feeling like this last month may last years. While I’m trying to enjoy the slow post holiday time the other part of me is eager to meet our new life head on. I am so ready to get back to me, and back in the kitchen more even if that’s with a baby on my hip!

While we wait out her arrival I’ve bene preparing freezer meals and a list of easy to make meals so we can enjoy those newborns moments and make sure our other three are fed and happy. I was pretty happy to see while I was browsing that they actually have an idea page on their new site for new parents! How cool is that. (find it here) I thought I would also share some of the ideas I have on my list for easy meals and quick treats, many of which freeze so well!


Banana Chocolate Chunk Muffins Wether they are or breakfast of an after school snack chocolate and banana is always a winning combo around here.


Country Brunch Cornbread – We are definitely going to be making up a batch of these, cornbread, cheese, bacon…sign me up!


Blueberry Banana Pancakes – I love how quick and easy these will be for breakfast night. They’ll fill the kiddos happy bellies that’s for sure.


Meatball Calzones – You guys know how much I love the Krusteaz flatbread mixes, and we’ve yet to try to turn them into calzones. These area must for sure!

Here’s to an easy, warm, and delicious January!
