Something sweet for ya!

Happy Pill Cookies
Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial
Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Like Button Cookie

Dubble Bubble Cake Pops

To kick off the week I’m sharing another of my Ducan Hines frosting flavor packet creations., dubble bubble cake pops! I was a little stumped on what to make with the bubble gum flavor. I’ve made bubble gum cupcakes in the past, so I wanted something new. And even though bubble gum is such a fun and kid friendly flavor it’s not really one people want a large amount of. Cake pops seemed to be a fun bite sized solution. And to make them even better, I covered them in bubble gum flavored candy coating! I was very curious if you could use the flavor packets in candymelts/almond bark and you can! With a soft bubble gum center and a bubble gum candy coating on the outside, they became awesome dubble bubble cake pops!


I have to admit some of the adults were a little confused by these…they really do taste like a piece of dubble bubble, but depsite what mom told you for years…these you can swallow. The kids however, really loved them and didn’t give a thought to wether or not to swallow ;). They would be a fun treat for the preschool crowd or birthday parties.


Here’s what you will need:
2 packets of Duncan Hines® Frosting Creations™ Bubble Gum Flavor Mix
1 box white cake mix
3 large eggs
1 1/3 cup water
2 TBS vegatble oil
White Candy Melts or Vanilla Almond Bark
Lollipop sticks
Cake pop maker or cake pop pan

With this recipe I was able to make up to 3 dozen cake pops. However, it’s pretty rare that I would need that many cake pops. So the amount of candy coating and lollipop sticks will very by how many you would like to make, up to 36.

Step 1. Prepare cake mix as instructed on box then add in 1 Duncan Hines Bubble Gum Flavor Packet.

Step 2. Bake cake pops in cake pop pan or cake pop baker following instructions for the item. I used my babycakes cake pop maker. Using a pipping bag I filled the holes to the top and baked for 5 minutes.

Step 3. Line cake pops on cookie sheet or tray.

Step 4. Melt a small amount of almond bark in microwave. Dip 1/4 inch of lollipop stick into candy melts/almond bark and then into each cake ball, this will help fuse the two.

Step 5. Place in freezer until candy melt/almond bark is firm, about 2 minutes.

Step 6: Melt about 1 cup of candy melts/almond bark. In a microwave safe bowl heat in 15 second spurts stiring in between until full melted. Stir in half of the second pack of bubble
gum flavoring. The amount of coating you will use depends on how many cake pops you are making. After using up the first cup I melted a second with the second half of the flavor packet and it was plenty for 24 cake pops.

Step 7. Begin covering cake pops in candy melts/almond bark,  by dipping and covering with a spoon and gently turning and tapping on the side of the bowl.Step 7. Let firm in a cake pop stand or by placing in a styrofoam block.


Want a FUN addition to these cake pops? Try covering in crush rock candy for a blow pop effect! I hope you kids enjoy this fun cake pops as much as mine did. And now that I know I can add the flavor packets to the candy coating…think about the possibilities!




  1. Yum! Pinned this to make one day! Thanks!

  2. I was wondering about the flavoring working with the almond bark.