Scene - I'm picking the girls up from the bus stop. The bus stop happens to be in front of a Burger King. Every day one of the girls asks to stop and get fries for snack, every day I say no. Kiddo #1: Mom can we get fries today? Me: No, but I made fries today! Kiddo #2: Like you FRIED fries? Me: No, I baked them. Kiddo #3: SO like from a bag? Me: No, I made them from scratch! ... [ read more... ]
Archives for March 2017
Spiral Spring Cookies – And A Little Chat

It's SPRING! SPRING. Can we just say it together? Ahhhhhhhhh. For some of you that may be ah-chou! But even if you are battling those pesky allergies I bet your still enjoying the fresh air, warm sun, and chirp of the birds once again. Isn't it funny how we get excited for each new season, but as time moves on the newness wears off and we're ready to move on again to the next one? Or maybe it's ... [ read more... ]