Something sweet for ya!

Cotton Candy Cupcakes
Like Button Cookie
Happy Pill Cookies
Waffle Cone Cookie Tutorial

I {Mustache} You To Be My Valentine… Oreo Pops

I know it’s almost Valentine’s day, but I haven’t even gotten to half the treats I was planning on sharing! The holidays just keep slipping away from me this year. So if you guys don’t mind…. I am going to go ahead and squeeze in just one more today and tomorrow, even if it’s kinda late… these will be around for inspiration next year right? ;)


For some reason I don’t catch on to the “new trend” as fast as others…cake pops, push pops, chevron, and now…the overly popular mustache bash. It took me months after they really got popular before I even thought about trying them. The mustache thing has always kind made me go…huh? I don’t get it…WHY is it cute/cool. Maybe because I have all girls? I have to admit some of the little mustache baby boy parties I’ve seen lately are really adorable. Something about a baby boy dresses as a little man…awww. But what’s with the girls? I’ve seen mustache cakes, shirts, rings necklaces, key hooks,…..I don’t get it?! Help, am I missing something?

Back to the Oreo cake pops. On our last trip to Indiana I had the chance to stop by Country Sweetart Kitchen…in person! (turns out they are super close to our hometown!) Let me just say I could LIVE in that sprinkle aisle! Anyway…so I found some of these cute little sugar lips and these (cute?) little sugar mustaches…and I knew I had to bring them home with me for Valentine’s day. But as time passed I just wasn’t inspired to make anything with them…until I saw these adorable printable tags from Three Little Monkeys! They had little lips AND mustaches…and I totally loved them :). I immediately knew I needed to make Oreo® pops with them. So easy, cute, AND perfect for the kiddo to take to PreK. The fact that the tags matched my stripy straws and baker’s twine sealed the deal!


Aren’t they adorable! I mean come on…how cute and clever! Seriously, I love them. I’m still not sure why people would wear mustache shirts, rings, or hang a mustache key hook…but these are defiantly cute for the kiddos. I know they are going to get a few silly giggles out of them.

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I didn’t take step by step photos since I’ve already shared Oreo® pops before. You can see a tutorial on how to make them here and if you need info on melting chocolate for them you can find that here. The only thing I changed a bit with these is adding on the sugar lips and mustaches right after laying the wet Oreo® pop on the tray. Also, if your going to use stripy straws instead of lollipop sticks, you will want to pinch the end flat before dipping in chocolate and applying to cookie. I have found they often break or fall apart if the end is not flattened.

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You can find the mustache sugar pieces here, and the lip sugar pieces here. (Country Sweetart Kitchen)

The stripy straws can be found here, and here. (Sweets & Treats Boutique)
The fun Valentine mustache and lips tags can be found to download FREE here. (Three Little Monkeys Studio)

If you love these just as much as me and just need to make them now, but don’t have time to order…you could always make the mustaches and lips from chocolate candy molds if your store carried them OR my cutting them from colored fondant.


I can’t wait my my girly to hand these out to her sweet little PreK friends!



  1. I love the way you added the mustache and lips to the oreo’s – super cute!

  2. Very cute, Toni!