Frankencorn Halloween Cookies

So I have this thing for Frankenstein. I really can’t put my (totally attached never stitched) finger on it. He’s just such a great character with those cute little silver screws, green skin, stitches, and those purple pants! Although I’m pretty sure he wasn’t originally meant to be cute, monster or no monster, he’s a total cutie to me even half alive. Each year I’ve made a different Frankenstein treat ( which I’m realizing now I’ve never shared!) and this year I wanted to do something totally different. So I took one of my fav halloween icons, candy corn, and mixed them with my fav not so scary Halloween monster to get –Frankenstein Candy Corn Cookies! Frankencookies rather, part candy corn part monster after all he was a hybrid guy himself.

Frankenstein candy corn cookies on a platter and sprinkles

However, these cookies have some big shoes to fill! This weekend we are headed to dun dun dun….Frankenstein’s castle! Yep the real deal, here in Germany. There are some perks to living in Europe just don’t mention Target to me ok? I mean unless a sobbing, blubbering, mama covered in frosting crying “dollar spot” in your sort of thing. Gah! Back to the cookies!

Have a cookie decorating projector? Great news! Here’s a projector template to make these cookies a breeze. Just click, save, project!

Frankencorn Cookies Projector Template I The Sprinkle Factory



  • candy corn shaped sugar cookies
  • small multi candy corn cutter
  • purple outline + flood icing
  • green outline + flood icing
  • black outline + flood icing



a step by step image of how to make frankenstein candy corn cookies


Step 1: Make your cookies and prepare icing. Fun tip – I dyed my cookies a matching green. They were SO cute!


Step 2: Use the edible marker and stencil to separate you candy corn sections on the cookie. If you have a projector don’t forget to grab my projector template above to make these cookies a breeze!

Step 3: Outline and flood the top and the bottom of sections. Once they have crusted over just a bit you can outline and fill in the middle section.

Step 3: Once the entire cookie has crusted over you can decorate with outline icing adding sectioning lines and stitches.

frankenstein candy corn cookies with hand on purple

Heads up! To keep those legal gurus of the world happy, I need to inform you that some of the links in this post are affiliate links. In short – I may earn a small commission from the use of said link with no cost to you! But don’t worry I only link to stuff I use, love, and know you will too!

Image of Toni Miller in front of a sprinkle shelf.


 I’m Toni, the baker, the blogger,  and cookie cutter maker  behind The Sprinkle Factory and I hope you find a sprinkle of inspiration here at The Factory.

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